=== Forminator - Contact Form, Payment Form & Custom Form Builder === Plugin Name: Forminator - Contact Form, Payment Form & Custom Form Builder Version: 1.32.0 Author: WPMU DEV Author URI: https://wpmudev.com/ Contributors: WPMUDEV Tags: forms, contact form, wordpress form plugin, payment form, custom form, form builder, paypal form wordpress, form maker, quiz, quiz builder, order form, stripe payments, paypal payments, stripe form, paypal form Requires at least: 5.2 Tested up to: 6.5 Stable tag: 1.32.0 Requires PHP: 7.4 License: GPL v2 - http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html Best WordPress form builder plugin. Create contact forms, payment forms & order forms with 1000+ integrations. == Description == *Not your typical form-making plugin. Forminator is the easy-to-use WordPress form builder plugin for every website and situation. It’s the easiest way to create any form – contact form, order form, payment form, email form, feedback widgets, interactive polls with real-time results, buzzfeed-style "no wrong answer" quizzes, service estimators, and registration forms with payment options including PayPal and Stripe.* It’s the magical WordPress form builder for, well, everyone! Forminator’s drag and drop visual builder makes it easy to setup and add forms to your WordPress website. Collect information, make your content interactive and generate more conversions with Forminator. Unlock all form fields and premium addons from the start with [Forminator Pro](https://wpmudev.com/project/forminator-pro/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=readme&utm_campaign=forminator-readme-above-the-fold&utm_content=forminator_pro). Level up immediately with exclusive Pro features like Stripe subscription forms, dynamic PDF generation, and easy geolocation & autocomplete. [Learn more about Pro](https://wpmudev.com/project/forminator-pro/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=readme&utm_campaign=forminator-readme-above-the-fold&utm_content=forminator_pro). [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2oBKNWTu5s&feature=youtu.be] ### Forminator Forms, Surveys, Quizzes, Polls, Calculations and More... - Forms - Custom forms for all your needs with as many fields as you like. - Polls - Interactive polls to collect users opinions, with lots of dynamic options and settings. - Quizzes - Fun or challenging quizzes for your visitors to take and share on social media. - Calculations - Collect information, generate leads, take orders, and engage visitors. - Payments - Take payments, donations, down payments, sell merch with the included Stripe and PayPal integrations. ### Learn The Ropes With These Hands-On Forminator Tutorials - [Creating the Perfect Contact Form with Forminator](https://wpmudev.com/blog/creating-the-perfect-contact-form-with-forminator/) - [Create an Easy Payment Form (for free!) with Forminator](https://wpmudev.com/blog/create-free-payment-forms-with-forminator/) - [How to Get the Most Out of Using Forminator](https://wpmudev.com/blog/get-the-most-out-of-forminator/) - [How To Capture eSignatures Using Forminator](https://wpmudev.com/blog/forminator-wp-esignature-form/) - [How To Collect Emails and Generate Leads With a Forminator Quiz](https://wpmudev.com/blog/forminator-quiz-lead-generation/) ### Accept Payments With Stripe and PayPal Start taking payments with Forminator. No Pro upgrade required! SCA compliant Stripe and PayPal come included. Just enter your publish keys to activate the Forminator payment module for both fixed and variable payments. Check out how it works in the video below: [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hha0W-A1Kq8&feature=youtu.be] ### Stripe Verified Partner Forminator is also proud to be a Stripe Verified Partner. This partnership allows us to help you get the most out of our Stripe integration thanks to additional resources, e.g. the ability to escalate support questions, or request custom pricing reviews. ### Calculations are a Lead Magnet There are literally thousands of combinations for adding value to your site with Calculations: - Registration forms with upgrade packages - Sell a tee shirt with size, color, price, and tax variations - Add a BMI and/or calorie intake calculator to your health and fitness blog - Embed a loan calculator into your finance site - Give a midwife a due date calculator - Insta-quote or service estimator - Put an ROI calculator on your agency site - And on, and on, and on… ### Drag and Drop Form Blocks Forminator has a bunch of drag and drop blocks that make it easy to put forms together – name, email, phone number, text, file upload, website, date, time, number, HTML, pagination, radio boxes, GDPR-friendly opt-ins, payments, calculations, and hidden field. ### Your Favorite Integrations Including +1000 Apps Already Added Forminator comes stacked with crowd favorite third-party integrations – email services, CRM, storage, and project managers. - [HubSpot](https://www.hubspot.com/products/wordpress?utm_source=WPMU-DEV-wordpress&utm_medium=referral) - [Campaign Monitor](https://www.campaignmonitor.com/) - [ActiveCampaign](https://www.activecampaign.com/) - [Google Sheets](https://www.google.com/sheets/about/) - Webhooks ([Zapier](https://zapier.com/), [Make](https://www.make.com/), [Tray](https://tray.io/), etc) - [Trello](https://trello.com/) - [MailChimp](https://mailchimp.com/) - [AWeber](https://www.aweber.com/) - [Slack](https://slack.com/) ### Develop And Sell Your Own Extensions Forminator is free and open to millions of WordPress users! Use the [developer API](https://wpmudev.com/docs/wpmu-dev-plugins/forminator-api-docs/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=readme&utm_campaign=forminator-readme&utm_content=developer_api) and the included hooks and filters to build your own integrations or custom apps and sell them or give them away free here on WordPress.org. ### Poll Your Visitors Polls are a brilliant way to engage visitors. Forminator gives real-time feedback with live stats displayed in beautiful pie charts and graphs. ### Your Own Facebook-Style Quizzes Who hasn't been roped into taking “IQ tests” and “figure out which Star Wars character you are” quizzes on Facebook? Now you can run all that traffic to your site. Create both knowledge and no wrong answer quizzes with Forminator. ### Collect Leads With Your Quizzes Looking to use your quizzes for more than just entertainment and a way to engage your audience? Forminator also allows you to collect participants' details (e.g., name, email, etc.) by integrating a lead generation form in your quiz. See how it works below: [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17uR2HdDsKw&feature=youtu.be] ### Gutenberg Block Forminator’s got you, whether you’re a classic editor or Gutenberg early adapter. Say goodbye to shortcodes and quickly add forms to posts with the Forminator block for Gutenberg. ### Email Routing and Pre-Populate Make your site more efficient from visitor input to email response times. Use query strings to pre-fill your visitor information and deliver forms direct to specific teams with email routing, auto-response and conditions. ### User Front End Post Submissions Want to let your visitors share a post submission without needing access to the WordPress dashboard? With Forminator visitors can submit post ideas from the front end of your site so you can easily curate and publish their thoughts. Assign post to a default author, save to draft, publish immediately, etc. ### Google reCAPTCHA You don’t want your inbox flooded with a bunch of form spam. Google ReCAPTCHA is free with Forminator. Now you can stop the crazy bots without making it hard on your visitors. No more hard to read random phrases. ### Collect, Track and GDPR Ready Forminator stores and organizes submissions so you can sort, analyze and manage responses – of course, all while making it super easy to comply with the GDPR and other legal privacy policies. ### Import Your Existing Contact Form 7 Data Looking to move existing forms over from CF7? Forminator’s Import Wizard allows you to migrate all, or selected forms in a matter of clicks. You can also transfer data from a range of Contact Form 7 add-ons and settings. ### Custom Login and Registration Forms Create and embed custom login and registration forms for your sites (or multisites!). Take L&R forms to the next level: choose from a range of form fields, and customize settings, style, and behavior. Learn more in the video below: [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UdgSb-GwpSU&feature=youtu.be] ### Multi-file Upload Field Along with enabling single file uploads, Forminator takes things up a notch by allowing users to upload multiple files. You can also choose to set specific file types, limit the number of files that can be uploaded, as well as the individual file size. The upload field’s drag and drop interface also makes it a breeze for users to upload files. ### Group And Repeat Form Fields The Field Group feature allows you to group any number of fields together in one form. You can also enable users to add as many additional field groups as needed when filling out your form. Great for repeatable data entry such as employment history, event attendees, lists, etc. ### Advanced Date Field Restrictions Perfect for appointment and hotel bookings - Forminator’s Date Picker Limits feature allows you to restrict the available dates shown on your date field calendar. For example, you might show future dates only, a selected number of dates from today, dates between a specific date range, specific days of the week, and more! ### Add An E-Signature Form Field (Pro Only)* Have an online application that requires a signature, or a contract you need your customers to sign? Forminator’s E-signature feature allows visitors to use their mouse, trackpad, or finger (on touch devices) to leave a signature upon submitting the form. Just insert the “E-Signature” field and voila! ### Receive Subscriptions and Recurring Payments on Stripe (Pro Only)* Create fully-customized subscription forms with Forminator Pro’s Stripe Subscription add-on. Allow your customers to choose plans/pricing, billing cycle, custom upsells, a free trial option, and of course, make secure card payments. Forminator also saves you time by instantly and automatically syncing all subscription form data straight to your Stripe account. ***Note:** These features are only available with [Forminator Pro](https://wpmudev.com/project/forminator-pro/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=readme&utm_campaign=forminator-readme&utm_content=forminator_pro). Get instant access to Forminator Pro - as well as all our other premium plugins, managed WP hosting, our site management platform: The Hub, and 24/7 expert support - all with a [WPMU DEV membership](https://wpmudev.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=readme&utm_campaign=forminator-readme&utm_content=wpmu_dev#trial). ###What Do People Say About Forminator? ★★★★★ > Amazing plugin, it really seems that only your imagination can limit its uses. Loads of features like taking payments, calendar, for free. Can’t believe everything I need is in there, it sparks creativity and makes it fun to work on a website. – [araca](https://wordpress.org/support/users/araca/) ★★★★★ >This plugin has an excellent, well-thought-out, well-designed UI and offers everything I was looking for (and I think I’ve tried every serious competitor). – [tvsmvp](https://wordpress.org/support/users/tvsmvp/) ★★★★★ >This plugin is the best free form builder by far! I have researched many but this is so easy to use... Try it. I am SURE you will LOVE IT. – [johncarteroz](https://wordpress.org/support/users/johncarteroz/) ★★★★★ >Great interface design, super easy to use and great functionality. I don’t normally write reviews, but I loved it so much, I just had to this time! – [istavridi](https://wordpress.org/support/users/istavridi/) ### Shameless Plug(ins) Love Forminator! WPMU DEV has some other awesome free plugins you should checkout. - [Smush](https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-smushit/) - Image Compression and Optimization - [Hummingbird](https://wordpress.org/plugins/hummingbird-performance/) - Page Speed Optimization - [Hustle](https://wordpress.org/plugins/wordpress-popup/) - Pop-ups, Slide-ins and Email Opt-ins - [SmartCrawl](https://wordpress.org/plugins/smartcrawl-seo/) - SEO Optimizer - [Defender](https://wordpress.org/plugins/defender-security/) - Security, Monitoring, and Hack Protection == Frequently Asked Questions == = Does Forminator include a Gutenberg block? = It sure does. Forminator is built to work in both the Gutenberg and ClassicPress editors. = Is Forminator GDPR Ready = Forminator makes it easy for you to comply with the GDPR and other local privacy regulations...all the tools are included but ultimately it is up to you to implement healthy privacy and data protection on your site. Do the right thing y'all. = Can you take payments with Forminator? = Forminator currently includes integration with the Stripe payment gateway and PayPal...both included completely free. = Are Forminator payment options SCA compliant? = Yes! Forminator is not managing the payment processing. We worked with Stripe and PayPal to ensure the built-in integrations follow the EU's Strong Customer Authentication regulations (PSD2). = How do I create a contact form in WordPress with Forminator? = We've put together a simple guide to Forminator contact forms on our blog. You can read the article [here](https://wpmudev.com/blog/build-contact-form/) = I want to develop for Forminator! Where can I find API documentation? = Find out all you need to know by checking out our API documentation [here](https://wpmudev.com/docs/wpmu-dev-plugins/forminator-api-docs/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=readme&utm_campaign=forminator-readme&utm_content=developer_api) = Where can I get Forminator docs? = [https://wpmudev.com/docs/wpmu-dev-plugins/forminator/](https://wpmudev.com/docs/wpmu-dev-plugins/forminator/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=readme&utm_campaign=forminator-readme&utm_content=docs_link) = How can I report security issues or bugs? = We take plugin security incredibly seriously; if you have a bug or vulnerability to report, you can do so through the Patchstack Vulnerability Disclosure Program. It’s fast, easy, and you will be notified when the issue is fixed. [Report a vulnerability](https://patchstack.com/database/vdp/forminator). == Screenshots == 1. Setup WordPress contact forms in seconds. 2. Add lead generating calculators to your site. 3. Take payments with Stripe or PayPal. 4. Forminator includes its own Gutenberg block. 5. All your favorite integrations built-in. 6. Who doesn't love a good no wrong answer buzzfeed-style quiz? 7. Publish polls with real-time stats and graphs. 8. Customize the available dates shown on your date field calendar. 9. Allow simple drag and drop multi-file uploads for users. == Changelog == = 1.32.0 ( 2024-07-02 ) = - New Feature: Add Preset and Cloud Form Templates - New Feature: Add a Rating field - Enhancement: Ability to choose a worksheet to send data to in a Google Sheet - Enhancement: Add a modern multi-select option to the Select field - Enhancement: Update Phone Number validation library - Enhancement: Compatibility with Custom Field Suite plugin - Fix: Incorrect state in PayPal billing details - Fix: Visibility conditional logic for the submit button based on radio doesn't work on paged forms - Fix: Issues with Group duplication and dragging - Fix: Files stay on the server deleting submission files. - Fix: Default HTML upload field is visible in Post Data featured image along with styled field - Fix: Connected integrations are missing on the Integrations page for quizzes without leads - Fix: Delay when dragging and dropping Forminator fields - Fix: Issue when creating Preset - Fix: Issues with form submission when the Name field is set to Required with prefill enabled. - Fix: Textarea field width is not aligned with the other fields when placed on the 2nd column - Fix: Colon removed from URL when using the Hidden field for redirect - Fix: Submission_id in the Hidden field doesn't work in MailChimp integration - Fix: Forminator doesn't show the menu selected when using Windows High Contrast Mode - Fix: Captcha will not show on preview after the first try on Forms - Fix: JS error when dragging and dropping fields in Forminator - Fix: Issues with translating certain strings = 1.31.0 ( 2024-06-03 ) = - Enhancement: Update Stripe library to the latest version - Enhancement: Add the ability to align ReCaptcha to the right - Enhancement: Prevent disabling calculation option on fields that are used in Calculations field formulas - Fix: Workato Webhook does not connect - Fix: Password is sent as plain text in Login form when using a webhook - Fix: Some fields do not support HTML tags in the description - Fix: Incorrect password on Forminator Login form for a specific password - Fix: Conflicts with the Suremember plugin - Fix: Stripe field is not showing on PopUp plugins - Fix: International phone validation field prevents submission even if the field is optional - Fix: Quiz Final Count message is erased even after saving - Fix: Open the GDPR links in a new browser tab by default - Fix: Form expands when loaded via Ajax while having conditionally visible fields - Fix: Number field is not working for Stripe pre-filled postal code - Fix: Pagination custom button text is not working if you start the form with a Slider field - Fix: Post data field shows only the first Category and first tag in email notification when Multiple option is selected for tags and categories - Fix: Replace statement_descriptor_suffix to fit the Stripe API - Fix: Some Custom CSS classes in the PDF add-on are no longer working - Fix: Slider values are not getting reset when a form is submitted - Fix: Sorting submissions does not apply to exported CSV - Fix: Upload field issue with WebP file type - Fix: HTML Validation for select fields - Fix: Can't assign Name field to username in User Login Form - Fix: Escaping characters in redirect URL breaks form pre-population - Fix: Contact Form 7 image file size limit is not imported - Fix: Scheduled Exports in Submissions do not allow editing of the email on Forms - Fix: Columns break when custom spacing value is set to 0 - Fix: Search bar on matching Hubspot fields isn't working - Fix: Incorrect scrolling in paginated forms with long HTML field content on mobile devices = 1.30.2 ( 2024-04-30 ) = - Fix: Temporarily support deprecated classes for integrations = 1.30.1 ( 2024-04-09 ) = - Fix: Backward compatibility with Complianz plugin = 1.30.0 ( 2024-04-08 ) = - New Feature: Integration with MailerLite - Enhancement: Refactoring of all integrations - Enhancement: Twitter rebranding - Enhancement: UX improvements for Forminator addons - Security Fix: Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability - Security Fix: SQL injection vulnerability - Fix: Aweber integration not connecting when an identifier is added - Fix: Replaced h4 tags with label tags for field labels - Fix: HTML field displays 'undefined' if a field used inside HTML content is deleted - Fix: Filter not functioning correctly for Draft/Complete form status during Export Submissions - Fix: Sort Order filter not applied correctly during Export Submissions - Fix: Submission Status in the submissions filter box not clearing - Fix: Irrelevant submission status filter for quizzes on the Submissions page - Fix: Black border appears when opening accordion on the Submissions page - Fix: Disabling Paypal shipping address option not functioning - Fix: Personality quiz returning incorrect personality in case of a tie in results - Fix: Paginated form cannot be submitted if there is a Consent field on one of the pages and Draft is used - Fix: Textarea label overlaps the default value when using the Material preset on forms - Fix: Color issue on input fields in Safari = 1.29.3 ( 2024-04-08 ) = - Security Fix: Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability = 1.29.2 ( 2024-03-07 ) = - Fix: Stripe doesn't work on some mobile devices = 1.29.1 ( 2024-03-05 ) = - Fix: XSS vulnerabilities = 1.29.0 ( 2024-01-30 ) = - New: Range slider - Fix: Email notification from Save and Continue feature does not support {all_fields} or individual fields - Fix: Embed URL receives the referrer URL instead of page URL when the form is not loading from Ajax - Fix: The export of Forminator submissions displays an incomplete URL for the uploaded files. - Fix: The total value of repeater field groups is not correctly reflected on email notifications - Fix: Add_form_field API fatal error in PHP 8.0+ - Fix: The repeater field data in the email notification is missing and the submission shows incorrect data - Fix: If a visibility condition is configured on the Stripe field, payment plan conditions don't work - Fix: ActionScheduler crashes website due to outdated table structure - Fix: Form displays "This value must be greater than or equal to 1" error - Fix: The Number field decimal doesn't work on emails - Fix: When two users submit the form at once, limit submission doesn't work - Fix: Export missing field data - Fix: Required Checkbox triggers an error message on pagination - Fix: The manual approval of user registration forms doesn't work when the website URL is too long - Fix: Zapier WebHook integration missing upload field data - Fix: Upload timeout error = 1.28.1 ( 2023-12-18 ) = - Improvement: Hosting offer update - Improvement: Discount copy update = 1.28.0 ( 2023-11-13 ) = - New: MailJet Integration - New: User role permissions - Improvement: jQuery validation version update - Improvement: Compatibility with WordPress 6.4 - Improvement: Randomize checkbox and radio button options - Fix: Improved handling of action scheduler - Fix: CSV exports and DB entries generated by spam submissions - Fix: Fatal error if php_uname() function is disabled on server - Fix: Check curl_init before loading the mix panel = 1.27.0 ( 2023-10-09 ) = - New: Usage Data tracking - Fix: Phone validation set to Croatia or other international formats prevents form submission - Fix: Resume message from Save and Continue display field tag name instead of typed text - Fix: Using merge tags in checkbox/radio fields results in an "Error! Invalid payment amount!" message - Fix: Hovering over number fields triggers the "Typing" action - Fix: The search field is not working when an additional field is added to a HubSpot form - Fix: Form submission fails when the Field Group repeater has "choice" fields and the PDF is attached to the email - Fix: Inline validation prevents PayPal submission in case of pre-submission errors - Fix: Stripe charges an incorrect amount for payments over 999 when using comma-formatted numbers = 1.26.0 ( 2023-09-13 ) = - New: Geolocation add-on that collects location information on form submission, and provides address auto-suggestion. = 1.25.2 ( 2023-08-23 ) = - Improvement: Discount copy update = 1.25.1 ( 2023-08-18 ) = - Improvement: Minor improvements in copy = 1.25.0 ( 2023-08-16 ) = - New: PDF Generator add-on in Pro Version = 1.24.6 ( 2023-07-06 ) = - Fix: Issues with Form Submission = 1.24.5 ( 2023-07-05 ) = - Improvement: PHP Compatibility = 1.24.4 ( 2023-07-03 ) = - Improvement: Hubspot URL Redirection - Improvement: Add notes for translations with placeholders - Improvement: Prevent XSS vulnerability in translations - Fix: Email displays incorrect currency when custom separators are used - Fix: Issues with the Country field on disabling and re-enabling - Fix: Stripe charges incorrect amount - Fix: Security improvements = 1.24.1 ( 2023-06-05 ) = - Improvement: Option to change the size of radio/checkbox images - Improvement: Add filter to change the upload path - Improvement: Phone field input validation - Improvement: Add alt text to images on quiz answers - Improvement: Added new notice that reports only data from live payments on the report page - Fix: Uploading a single file is prevented by the payments field, resulting in a 404 error - Fix: HTML field content is stripped of anchor tag target property - Fix: Conflict with Norebro theme - Fix: Dropdown styling in different languages - Fix: Delete Alert box design - Fix: Compatibility with PHP 8.1 and 8.2 - Fix: Timepicker Field Default Minutes issues when the value is 0 - Fix: The E-Signature label overlaps the placeholder when using the Material preset on Forms - Fix: Select input doesn't show the dropdown menu on the oxygen builder - Fix: Defender Masked login area does not work with Lost your password option in the login form - Fix: Google Lighthouse Aria labels - Fix: Defender login recaptcha verification fails with Forminator recaptcha - Fix: Incorrect Stripe charges if the field Visibility is hidden - Fix: Issues with form submission when 'Multiple' is selected in the Name field - Fix: Upload field mapped to the custom field does not include file URL in the post data field - Fix: Captcha language cannot be set back to Automatic after language is set on the captcha - Fix: Stripe's field meta does not display all address fields when changed on forms - Fix: Textarea does not recognize the max character limit when a field is required and rich-text editor is enabled on forms - Fix: URL redirection when the dynamic field value is used - Fix: The AJAX method can fail to upload multiple files if one of the files is invalid or the form was submitted too soon - Fix: Autofill is not allowing the form to be sent - Fix: Submission retention reset to Custom and 0 days - Fix: Unused/old CSS filling the server - Fix: Adding HTTP to email body URLs - Fix: Registration form default submissions text doesn't change after the edit - Fix: TinyMCE is not working in pagination when set to required and loaded using Ajax - Fix: Account registration successful message is not working for manual activation - Fix: ACF and file upload field in the registration form - Fix: The form added in the Elementor popup is not submitting - Fix: Issues with conditional logic - Fix: Form is not showing conflict with All in One SEO - Fix: Registration emails are not translated - Fix: Stripe 3D secure payment is not working with page reload - Fix: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function switch_to_locale() on null - Fix: UI issue on recipients tab on adding multiple recipients - Fix: Rich edit textarea values are stripped of HTML if post data custom fields have rich edit textarea - Fix: Submission filters are not applied to CSV export if the filter is user status for registration forms - Fix: Email address should be validated for email notification recipients - Fix: Power Automate webhook is not working - Fix: Form returns a validation error in the Phone number field when Faroes Islands is configured as the default country - Fix: Upload file button reloads the page when the form is placed in PopUp for the Divi plugin - Fix: If one text field is hidden with visibility based on a select field, both values are added to the post data custom field - Fix: When we submit a long lead form, the quiz is not focused - Fix: Unable to move the fields in post data custom fields - Fix: Site errors getting exported when a form is exported - Fix: Forminator always enqueues Roboto font - Fix: Conditions for the currency field should match other number fields - Fix: The multiple files upload via limit size is not working after removing exceeded files - Fix: Scheduled Exports returns "Invalid form type" - Fix: Section without a label is not separated in emails - Fix: Submit button does not appear if the user removes the submit text from the submit button - Fix: Translation issues with Forminator Pro refresh button text - Fix: The "Appearance" tab doesn't display the option to change color for the Consent field - Fix: No message displayed on form submission, when the lead generation form placement is set to 'Before showing results' - Fix: "Embed URL" in the hidden field is incorrect - Fix: In the Dashboard, the last submission time ignores polls and quizzes - Fix: On multisite, the WordPress Settings link is broken on the Reports Notifications Schedule tab - Fix: Aweber subscriber data getting overwritten for existing subscribers - Fix: 'Uncaught TypeError createRoot' console error on Form Editor - Fix: Submission behavior conditions not working as expected - Fix: Double submissions happen on clicking the Submit button twice quickly - Fix: Repeated items are missing when a draft is edited and saved again = 1.23.3 ( 2023-04-12 ) = - Improvement: Security improvements - Improvement: The upload path has been updated for enhanced security - Improvement: Calculation operators - Improvement: Hidden fields calculations value - Improvement: Make Grouping compatible with Save and Continue feature - Improvement: Limit form submissions per logged-in user - Improvement: Compatibility with WordPress 6.2 - Fix: Handle possible WP errors - Fix: File upload is not sent to Google Sheets via Zapier - Fix: Reset rule must apply only for forminator - Fix: Inline message does not work with Stripe - Fix: Number field minimum limit is not working when it is set to 0 - Fix: Issue when using JPY currency - Fix: Visibility and calculation issues in grid format - Fix: The default transparency color picker on the form container is set incorrectly - Fix: PayPal throwing payment error - Fix: A radio button with an apostrophe in the value cannot be calculated - Fix: Form slow to load with a 'Maximum call stack size exceeded' console error - Fix: Polls cannot be created from mobile devices - Fix: When sharing quiz content on Facebook, the message is not included - Fix: If the Hustle Pro pop-up is displayed, the PayPal payment field does not appear - Fix: Unrecognized request URL error in Stripe when the multiple name field option is enabled - Fix: Embedding a poll on the same page breaks the form - Fix: Creating a knowledge quiz form with the leads option enabled results in empty answer fields - Fix: Visibility rules are causing errors if required fields are present in group fields - Fix: Select and Checkbox in Calculations doesn't work on repeated items - Fix: Random failures on ReCaptcha and pop-ups - Fix: Visibility Bypass hidden in Calculation - Fix: Error in formula during calculation - Fix: 'You cannot confirm this PaymentIntent' Stripe error - Fix: Custom taxonomies are not included in submissions and notifications of Post Data fields - Fix: When subscription payments are enabled in Stripe, payment details do not work - Fix: Google Sheets integration is not working on connecting to a folder in a shared drive - Fix: Stripe gives an error on submission when a calculation condition is used on a payment plan - Fix: Submit button can't be hidden in a payment form with pagination - Fix: Form missing data on submission and causes issues with email routing - Fix: Calculation field bug - Fix: Elementor Pro - pop-up makes duplicated ajax calls - Fix: Stripe payment amount processed incorrectly - Fix: Reply-to adding space in emails - Fix: Log warnings while attempting to read properties - Fix: Error in calculation field when notification email is resend - Fix: An error occurs when you match the Date field to Hubspot and leave it empty on the form submission - Fix: Paypal's funding sources disappear on horizontal layout change - Fix: Fatal error when you import redirection for CF7 - Fix: Incorrect view count in old forms when switched to the latest version - Fix: Select, Checkbox, and Radio showing empty values in email notifications for knowledge quiz with leads enabled - Fix: Log warnings on form submission when the File upload field is mapped to custom meta in the Stripe field - Fix: "Automatically Login new user" option should be ignored when "Manual Approval" is selected in the Registration form - Fix: Quiz Submission does not show repeated items if the Leads form has Field Group - Fix: Number field in Calculation does not work correctly when a number has a default value or value from the query parameter - Fix: Duplication of the "Save as Draft" button on enabling "Enable save and continue" and embedding the form twice - Fix: Aggregate Checkbox, Radio, and Select fields do not work in the Calculation formula - Fix: Compatibility with PHP 8.0 = 1.22.1 ( 2022-12-26 ) = - Improvement: Support repeated groups of fields with Webhook and GSheet integrations - Improvement: Use Repeater in Calculation field - Improvement: Provide a horizontal placement option for multiple field names - Fix: Calculations field in repeater groups use only the first item used in the formula, not the items in that group - Fix: Submission export breaks when fields aren't filled out - Fix: Unable to select files when Multiple File Upload field is repeated and Form is Loaded using Ajax - Fix: Having more than one Field Group and disabling Repeater in settings does not change the Minimum Repeater Limit - Fix: Only the first item in the required field is validated when the field is repeated and the form does not have inline validation - Fix: When Form is loaded using Ajax and Hustle popup has a form embedded that also has a number field, custom limits values do not work - Fix: Validation error for required checkbox disappears for first group item when Form is Load using ajax - Fix: Required option does not allow to submit form when field group is hidden due to visibility rule - Fix: Group visibility is not applied to child fields, it causes error if the subfields are required and doesn't allow the submission - Fix: Missing data on submission page and in CSV files - Fix: Paypal field still accepts payments even if there's an error on Forms - Fix: Forminator JavaScript loops - Fix: Number field does not show Limits both custom error messages on Forms - Fix: Same field ID of multiple forms on a single page - Fix: Submission behaviour has a blank space added on redirect URL behaviour - Fix: Redirect to URL containing space between Query Parameters get stripped - Fix: Checkbox required message not showing up if at first if inline validation enabled - Fix: Hubspot selected Items are added but invisible in ticket description - Fix: Forminator inline CSS is overriding the pagination footer - Fix: Featured Image not showing proper in Preview with None feature - Fix: Create new quiz popup options is misaligned - Fix: The email field is not aligned on the Submissions page - Fix: Visibility rules from repeater field overwrite rules in second items - Fix: Stripe field still accepts payments even when there's an error on Forms - Fix: Incorrect usage of aria-describedby - Fix: Fatal Error on submitting form when Integration has condition using Date - Fix: All phone number validations reset to Afghanistan after plugin update - Fix: Reports notifications send multiple emails = 1.21.0 ( 2022-12-05 ) = - Fix: Security improvements - Fix: Lead submissions to an unpublished quiz - Fix: Signature field does not work on Divi Popups - Fix: Stripe field not visible in pop-ups with on-click triggers - Fix: MailChimp Tags Modal window doesn't appear for quizzes - Fix: Phone field "National" validation fails when entering a valid international number - Fix: If Akismet protection is enabled, the form will display a warning when the Signature field is submitted - Fix: Redirect after submission isn't working - Fix: API method for adding polls isn't working - Fix: It is only possible to pre-populate a query variable if the option is set to 'Selected' - Fix: Uncaught exception for Mailchimp causes a fatal error - Fix: Register/login links disappear after submission - Fix: Multiselect email routing bug - Fix: Content filed in the Post Data field doesn't work with save and continue - Fix: The thousands separator is not working in email when using the {calc-ID} macro - Fix: Although calculations is disabled for a Number field, it is still used in calculations - Fix: The ampersand (&) sign is counted as 5 characters instead of 1 - Fix: Bypass adding the required email notification recipient - Fix: Error when adding an ampersand (&) sign as a Checkbox option value - Fix: PayPal shows an error message when adding multiple forms with a PayPal button on the same page - Fix: An extra "+" character is added to phone number upon submission if the number is incorrect - Fix: Performing calculations on two number fields are initially out of sync when using the increase/decrease buttons = 1.20.1 ( 2022-11-17 ) = - New: Scheduled report notifications - Improvement: Custom Variable selections includes Number fields - Fix: Quiz preview modal doesn't work - Fix: Knowledge quiz email notification values for From Name, Reply-to email, CC emails, and BCC emails don't work - Fix: No Pagination is not set as the quiz presentation type if you use the back button on the quiz creation modal window - Fix: HubSpot and AWeber Identifier aren't working - Fix: The "Jordanian Dinar – JOD" is missing from the Payment Currency list - Fix: Typo on the links for Invisible hCaptcha - Fix: Submission indicator doesn't work when a validation error occurs - Fix: Select option values aren't trimmed for visibility conditions - Fix: Can't create new forms via the dashboard page due to an update notification popup - Fix: Timepicker limit not working - Fix: Empty submission value when setting the Submission ID as a default value for a hidden filed - Fix: Conditional rules don't work when setting the Default Value of the Hidden field to Query Parameter - Fix: Error when Routing is based on a checkbox field = 1.19.0 ( 2022-10-20 ) = - New: Field group - New: Repeater for field group - Improvement: Replace Google fonts with Bunny fonts for GDPR compliance - Improvement: Change "Setup" to "Set Up" in all modal windows - Fix: When high contrast mode is enabled, the dropdown form selector displays as usual - Fix: Bulk Actions do not have Publish/Unpublish options - Fix: Field value is empty when the condition includes a checkbox with capital letters - Fix: Recaptcha issue with Complianz plugin - Fix: Issues with dropdown values - Fix: Issues with quizzes on mobile - Fix: Poll Result does not display after submission - Fix: Some languages have misaligned fields - Fix: Accessibility issue in Forminator Export Area - Fix: Windows high contrast mode accessibility issue - Fix: Signature field breaks PayPal - Fix: UI issues when high contrast mode is enabled - Fix: Receive multiple submissions when clicking the submit button several times - Fix: Emails added in the email notification tab are deleted when Save and Continue is disabled - Fix: CSV export file size is 3 bytes despite having entries = 1.18.2 ( 2022-09-30 ) = - Improvement: Membership detection = 1.18.1 ( 2022-09-15 ) = - New: Forminator Reports to help with tracking performance of forms, polls, and quizzes - Add: Admin email Macro {admin_email} - Improvement: Form fields now have a unique ID. This unique ID is also added as data-uid attribute to the form tag, so If you currently have scripts that use field ID's, these will need to be updated now - Improvement: Convert Zapier integration to Webhook integration - Improvement: Additional appearance settings for Input Border Radius and Hover Colours - Improvement: Replace Select placeholder default "null" to "Search" - Fix: Checkboxes and selects do not save multiple selections separately - Fix: A float cannot be used as a number if inline validation is disabled - Fix: The time picker checks on time limits in real-time - Fix: The checkbox fields aren't showing up as checked - Fix: Conditions apply when the visibility rules are set to Hidden - Fix: Validation of email fields is not disabled - Fix: Safari does not support e-signature - Fix: Conditions not working for the address field - Fix: Can't clear date limits for the Datepicker field - Fix: Error when Site Registration is enabled on the registration form - Fix: Issue with ACF and file upload field in the registration form - Fix: Going out of range for the number field when using the up/down arrow keys - Fix: Selecting a default future date does not show the correct date for specific date formats - Fix: Visibility conditions don't work when adding the Stripe field and not connecting it - Fix: A calculation field's 'hidden' setting is overridden if a 'visibility' condition has been set previously and not deleted - Fix: The PayPal and Stripe fields do not appear in Divi's popup - Fix: Issue with Stripe 3D secure payment - Fix: Load form Ajax conflict with SEOpress plugin - Fix: the e-signature is not saved after submission - Fix: PayPal displays an error when two different forms with PayPal buttons are added to the same page - Fix: Max and Min Limits are not working when setting a number field as required - Fix: Address field does not work with query parameters - Fix: Stripe field doesn't exist error - Fix: Values for select fields are not saved when visibility is dependent on a checkbox - Fix: Error when input field visibility is dependent on a select box - Fix: Limit validation fails for the Currency field when using some formatting separators - Fix: Form Email Routing does not work with recipients added from Select or Radio buttons - Fix: Visibility conditions fail for a Textarea field dependant on Currency and Calculations fields - Fix: Failing to validate numeric fields in some cases - Fix: The country flags are broken in the phone field on mobile devices - Fix: The country code does not appear for the default country - Fix: Symbols do not work with Stripe metadata - Fix: Checkbox pre-selected option is removed when its visibility is dependent on another field - Fix: The year select dropdown displays the current year instead of "Select year" when the Datepicker field type is set to dropdown and the Year Range 'To' filed is set to a future date - Fix: Stripe field does not work with visibility conditions - Fix: Removing a custom error message doesn't revert to the default one - Fix: The pre-populate function only works if the query variable is after the selected option - Fix: Comma or Separators in Fields cause some problems - Fix: Stripe Font is not Displaying Correctly - Fix: Stripe failing with 0 balance form - Fix: No value is passed when the calculation field is mapped to a custom field and submitted - Fix: Error when having null values for hidden fields set as required - Fix: Conflict with Ultimate Member plugin - Fix: Textarea field label issue with RTL - Fix: The fields are not prefilled via the URL query when setting the Name field to Multiple - Fix: Number and Text fields do not display 0 on the front end when 0 is set as the default value - Fix: Some fields are cut off when adding a Page Break - Fix: The Select Field requires a placeholder if set as required - Fix: Names and values of select/radio fields do not sync - Fix: Recaptcha does not work in Divi's popup - Fix: Removing spaces before a tag in the Text field description - Fix: Returning an empty array or WP_Error object in the get_forms() method of the Forminator API - Fix: HTML Validator posts errors coming from Forminator - Fix: Upload file issue on mobile applications - Fix: The description field in HubSpot does not work - Fix: Fields are missing in email notifications - Fix: The pagination progress bar and next button disappear from the form - Fix: Calculation field decimal separator causes an infinite loop in JS - Fix: Posts are created when the inline validation option is disabled - Fix: Form is not submitting with Stripe field in the same row with other fields - Fix: Trello integration does not add cards - Fix: Browser console error when adding the same form twice on the same page - Fix: PayPal does not work when Pre-fill Billing Details is disabled - Fix: Incorrect Country flag showing up in Phone field - Fix: PayPal module doesn't show up when pagination is enabled - Fix: Recaptcha and hCaptcha verification fail if Stripe field is hidden - Fix: Forminator will only add the associated ticket to Hubspot If the contact belongs to a list - Fix: Quiz ActiveCampaign integration issue - Fix: Active Campaign integration doesn't show the correct fields - Fix: Mailchimp submission error with radio type - Fix: Consent filed label always shows an asterisk even if it is not required - Fix: The number field in the stripe description create a fatal error = 1.17.2 ( 2022-07-27 ) = - Add: Email body merge tag added with {submission_id} - Improvement: Nonce is not validated by default upon submit - Improvement: Scrolling quiz results - Fix: Adding the same form twice to the same page causes an error - Fix: PHP notice while activating Hubspot in the Integration tab for a specific form - Fix: Spam trigger in email and Zapier integration submissions - Fix: Redirect_uri_mismatch when you authorize Google sheets - Fix: An invalid redirect_uri in Hubspot integration - Fix: Aweber is not showing the entire list - Fix: Newly added tags are not visible in Mailchimp - Fix: Consent is not sent to Mailchimp - Fix: ActiveCampaign checkboxes issue - Fix: Adding square brackets to Google sheets - Fix: Issue with Zapier integration - Fix: Fatal Error on MailChimp - Fix: An apostrophe is added to numbers in Google Sheets integration - Fix: Fortress DB fatal error when submitting a form - Fix: Timepicker 00 hour and minutes issue - Fix: Slack Re-authorize buttons are not aligned - Fix: Submission date filter is not working for quizzes - Fix: Incorrect validation message when the upload limit is exceeded - Fix: Empty registration form value in submission - Fix: Fatal error when viewing submissions of Lead Quiz Knowledge - Fix: Calculation and checkbox visibility bug - Fix: Disable Search on Select field doesn't work - Fix: A Hustle pop-up infinite scroll - Fix: Close/Deactivate button alignment issue on the Integrations screen - Fix: UI issue in Behavior Lifespan field - Fix: Improve email validation - Fix: Adding a link after a file field results in removing a character - Fix: Trello design issue between label and dropdown - Fix: {submission_id} merge tag doesn't work in Trello integration - Fix: Form Data doesn't work in HTML field text editor - Fix: Form Email routing is not working correctly - Fix: Timepicker limits are not working - Fix: HTML field does not display the time value after submission - Fix: Material Design issue in textarea - Fix: Can't edit checkbox and radio options - Fix: Border style is not working for the selected answer image - Fix: If there are spaces in select field values, emails contain 0 instead of the actual value - Fix: Missing form button on the post editing screen when using the Classic Editor - Fix: Select dropdown doesn't recognize keystrokes - Fix: Displaying several instances of ActiveCampaign - Fix: Lifespan Expiry Date doesn't work when site language is Spanish - Fix: Multiple image file attachments don't display correctly in Trello integration - Fix: Failing to check registered user - Fix: Input fields color issue on Safari - Fix: Error using the offset value on the Datepicker field - Fix: Field visibility cannot be set based on the day = 1.17.1 ( 2022-07-04 ) = - Features: Partial submissions - Add: Giveaway campaign - Add: Resend email button to Submissions page - Improvement: Clean-up and maintenance in admin styles - Improvement: Edit form button on frontend - Fix: Close icon is missing in email notification tab - Fix: Rich-text editor bugs with pagination - Fix: Nested options in Quiz shows scrollbar - Fix: For quizzes and polls, the dropdown label is not aligned with the dropdown - Fix: Checkbox does not pass the correct value to URL - Fix: A custom class isn't applied to the submit button - Fix: User registration does not store signature meta - Fix: The form data featured image should only accept images - Fix: The embed URL field is incorrect - Fix: The Poll Appearance padding does not work - Fix: jQuery "ready" method deprecated - Fix: Views are not properly counted - Fix: Incorrect encoding of characters - Fix: Stripe fields can be submitted multiple times - Fix: When Decimal Points are set in the Currency Field, the visibility does not work - Fix: ReCaptcha does not work on popups - Fix: Chinese characters are cut off in submissions and emails - Fix: Even if the radio/checkbox/dropdown field has a value other than one that the owner added, the form still submits - Fix: Error on form submission with invalid nonce - Fix: List of countries where conditions do not work - Fix: Next week's dates have been selected - Fix: A few fields on the quiz lead do not use custom fonts - Fix: Error in activation email for user registration - Fix: In Elementor Popups, Forminator Load From Ajax does not work - Fix: In the Setup Name screen, there is a description - Fix: When Hummingbird Page caching is active, Forminator Form stops rendering after nonce expiry - Fix: The Preview Notice on submissions shows '0' - Fix: When I try to submit the quiz lead form as a guest, it doesn't show any message about 'Enable logged in submission only' - Fix: Consent does not work with custom error messages - Fix: The submission schedule export does not work for monthly and weekly submissions - Fix: CSV template download no longer works - Fix: Ajax forms load without returning the values of the fields for partial submissions - Fix: Limit validation fails for the Currency field = 1.16.2 ( 2022-06-02 ) = - Improvement: Refactor submission process - Fix: Member function fatal error after updating the latest version - Fix: HTML field is not working - Fix: Can't submit the registration form when the Autofill option is enabled - Fix: Custom field is not rendering slug value - Fix: Blank PHP file issue while creating Polls - Fix: Visibility conditions don't work with subfields = 1.15.14 = - Fix: Submission indicator is not working in a validation error - Fix: Form name input field is not working while the New Update popup opens - Fix: Typo on the links for Invisible hCaptcha - Fix: manage_forminator capability no longer exists in user role - Fix: HubSpot and AWeber Identifier aren't working - Fix: Whitespace in select fields causing error in visibility conditions - Fix: Fields do not support blank space from URLs = 1.15.13 = - Improvement: 2FA functionality backward compatibility with Defender - Improvement: Show Localized numbers in the HTML field - Improvement: Replace Forminator registration form activation URLs with a more generic URL - Fix: Multiple polls getting closed on the same page - Fix: Select field's bulk edit affects visibility rules - Fix: Multi upload does not remove the number of files when selecting none style - Fix: Visibility condition not working for Address field - Fix: Receipt is not receiving in email for stripe payment - Fix: Phone number field CSS issue inside Hustle - Fix: When two User Registration forms are added on the same page forms can't be submitted - Fix: Conflict with WP Forms plugin - Fix: Select field is not working when the form is placed on a slide-in - Fix: Vietnamese Phone Number Format - Fix: Optional password setting does not work when minimum strength is not set to 'None' - Fix: Pre-populate feature doesn't add spaces when AJAX is disabled - Fix: Creating a new Quiz and Poll is not working with PHP 7.3 - Fix: The pagination button doesn't have the same heights on mobile - Fix: Featured Image description not used in the frontend - Fix: Console error when you remove a file to be uploaded - Fix: Conditions logic breaks after submission - Fix: Submission causing a 500 error - Fix: PHP Warning when submitting a form with a number field - Fix: 3rd secure payment is not working - Fix: Limit is not working when Rich Text enabled for Textarea - Fix: Quiz Leads "Coming Soon" is missing for Duplicate and Export = 1.15.12 = - Improvement: Update Trello Integration - Improvement: Show Localized number in HTML field - Improvement: Change dash API function get_membership_type() - Improvement: Update SuperSignature library - Fix: Form Captcha script impacting on page speed and score. - Fix: Remove "Query parameter" from the list of macros inside the "Add form data" button - Fix: Missing file uploads after removing a file - Fix: all_non_empty_fields doesn't respect decimal settings in number fields - Fix: Error in Submissions page when the form has upload field and integrated to Activecampaign or Mailchimp - Fix: Visibility conditions don't work on non-English sites - Fix: Block Editor Colors replaces the embed_title macro - Fix: Date doesn't show in one line in the email when Dropdown mode selected - Fix: Hubspot integration is not working for the datepicker - Fix: Pagination steps formatting issue - Fix: Textarea breaking the lines in the email - Fix: E-signature field doesn't work well in mobile - Fix: Draft forms/quizzes/polls are included on WP widgets and Submissions page - Fix: Upload limit per file doesn't work correctly - Fix: E-mail notifications are stripping zeros from decimal values in calculations and don't include the set prefix/suffix - Fix: PayPal payment fails with "Error! Invalid payment amount!" - Fix: ActiveCampaign sending incorrect data - Fix: Stripe payments fails when the calculation of over 1000$ - Fix: Change "Behaviour" to "Behavior" - Fix: Select field - Limit Submission and Ajax Mode issue - Fix: Add validation for "Title" in the Postdata field - Fix: Form can be submitted when you manually enter the disabled dates - Fix: Decimal formatting issue with currency field - Fix: Individual form submissions cannot be deleted - Fix: Preview doesn't work for the textarea field - Fix: Postdata gets submitted when payments are declined in Stripe - Fix: Datepicker's year field isn't marked with a red border on validation - Fix: {submission_time} macro not working for emails. - Fix: Failed to load plugin: WordPress from URL - Fix: JS error when Stripe is not configured - Fix: Loader icon is missing when opening an add-on modal - Fix: Post Data field content editor is duplicated = 1.15.11 = - Features: Global Appearance Presets - Improvement: Hubspot app Migration to Granular CRM Scopes - Fix: Editor showing an error when the rich-text option enabled - Fix: Console error in preview while changing the visual/text for post content - Fix: Console error in the settings tab of the upload field after upgrading to the latest version - Fix: Incorrect country flags for the International phone field option = 1.15.9 = - Features: Conditionally execute 'After submission' behaviour - Features: hCaptcha support - Features: Conditionally send leads to integrations - Improvement: Replace GDPR field with Consent fields in form templates - Improvement: Replace "ReCaptcha" with "Captcha" throughout plugin - Improvement: Add warning message when using Stripe and PayPal fields without visibility conditions - Improvement: Support shortcodes in quiz results - Improvement: Add submission time option to Hidden field - Fix: Links not saved on form - Fix: Stripe payments incomplete when Stripe field has visibility conditions - Fix: Upload field not sending to add-on integration - Fix: Permissions on multifile upload - Fix: Signature not captured on Registration form - Fix: Datepicker field date limitations - Fix: Timepicker field won't submit if hours set to 0 - Fix: Form field mapping for login fields not working - Fix: PayPal stopped working after Pro upgrade - Fix: Slack integration redirect error - Fix: Form UI broken if 'Load Quiz using AJAX' enabled - Fix: Registration form JS error - Fix: Fatal error when submission method is Page Reload - Fix: PHP error in captcha field after update = 1.15.7 = - Improvement: Update out of date libraries - Improvement: Remove duplicate libraries that already in core - Fix: Data must be Sanitised, Escaped and Validated - Fix: Stripping HTML tags - Fix: Sanitised Custom HTML email notifications. - Fix: Compatibility with PHP 7.3 = 1.15.4 = - New: Added "Consent" field in Forms - New: Added a visibility rule for the Consent field - Improvement: Added Pre-fill Billing Details & Shipping Address option in Paypal integration - Improvement: Added option to remove funding sources in Paypal integration - Improvement: Updated Integration apps logos for ActiveCampaign and AWeber - Improvement: Allow multiple accounts and lists for the same integration - Improvement: Allow Mailchimp Tags and Groups - Fix: Conditional email not working for Quiz Results - Fix: Stripe incomplete payment when visibility rules use date field. - Fix: Special characters aren't allowed in multi-option Values - Fix: XSS vulnerability = 1.15.2 = - Add: Support Image to polls answers - Add: Filter registration forms submissions based on user status Approved/Pending Approval - Add: "Approve Users" bulk action for registration forms submissions - Add: "Resend Activation Email" button on submission page - Improvement: Send registration form password in activation email only passwords will be automatically generated. - Improvement: In the case of "Auto Generate Password" in the registration form Show a notice to delete the password input field. - Improvement: Update the Account Activation Email copy for the registration form - Improvement: Disable autocomplete for datepicker field - Improvement: Forminator country list - Improvement: Make users aware of reserved WordPress terms using Pre-populate on fields - Improvement: Reposition Quiz Retake button style - Fix: Restrict adding multiple password fields - Fix: User Login validation error messages - Fix: Restrict to sends new blog activation when Site registration is disabled - Fix: Radio, Checkbox, and Select field auto value converter issue - Fix: Select field limit submission doesn't work on multiple select field - Fix: Timepicker dropdown time limit validation message - Fix: Custom error message when Number field limit is 0 - Fix: Place holder overlaps with the title in Text Area - Fix: Select fields CSS breaks when embedding more than 2 forms on the same page - Fix: Required select field not working well - Fix: Required Rich Text field on the first page it doesn't prevent going to the second page - Fix: Select field required validation not working if "Enable inline validation" is disabled - Fix: Quiz email notifications can't add existing users to the recipients. - Fix: HEIC files are bypassed by the Upload Field's extension rules - Fix: Quiz evaluation loader is not showing - Fix: Radio button label is not showing up in the HTML fields - Fix: Fields added under the Password field are invisible on the frontend. - Fix: PHP Notice when you add a Poll Answer - Fix: Optional number field shows a required error message on submission - Fix: Select field value doesn't accept non-Latin characters = = - New: Ability to add multiple pricing plans with conditional logic on Stripe field. - New: Localization number formatting for Number, Currency & calculations fields - Improvement: Allow both Stripe and PayPal payment in a single form - Improvement: Conditional payments for PayPal - Improvement: Quizzes accessibility for Videos and Images - Fix: Dash plugin shows Forminator as not installed. = = - Fix: Using special characters in checkbox, radio, or select field options throw a JS error. = 1.14.12 = - Add: Ability to add images for Radio and Checkbox options. - Add: Pagination support for quizzes. - Add: Bulk import options for Radio, Checkbox and Select fields. - Improvement: Conditionally assign roles during registration. - Improvement: Added Question Description HTML field for each Quiz question. - Improvement: Multiple knowledge quiz answers allowed when ‘On Submission’ display option is selected. - Improvement: Update reCatpcha v3 styles and position. - Improvement: Search option on listings pages. - Improvement: Added Akismet options under Behaviour > Security tab. - Improvement: Added option to use value or label for Select/Radio/Checkbox fields. - Improvement: User registration form storing plain user password in meta table. - Fix: PayPal submission button can be bypassed. - Fix: Stripe Email Receipt is not being submitted. - Fix: Checkbox field option selection on front-end causes page to scroll to top. - Fix: Wrong calculation value when visibility with type “Show” is used. - Fix: Fields with visibility conditions Day and Month breaks if the site language is different than English. - Fix: Poll results are squashed when there are many answers. - Fix: Date picker field “Today” option should use WordPress settings time instead of UTC. - Fix: Select Drop downs not working on Hustle PopUp. - Fix: Radio field front-end styling issues on “Twenty Twenty” theme. - Fix: Some custom css selectors are not working on Quiz with leads. - Fix: Conditional visibility issues with Submit button. - Fix: Wrong calculation of conditionally hidden fields. - Fix: Signature image is not getting through all integrations. - Fix: More than 1 submissions export is sent for a form with scheduled exports. - Fix: Recaptcha v3 badge is behind the sidebar widgets on Astra Theme. - Fix: Optimised database query on Registration template. - Fix: Quiz with Leads form, “Start quiz button” text can not be updated. - Fix: Form title empty space are converted to dash(-). - Fix: Mailchimp integration does not work with Registration form. - Fix: Date format on Date picker field is not functional. - Fix: Discard changes (CANCEL) button doesn’t work properly for Radio/Checkbox/Select fields. - Fix: JavaScript console errors when adding new fields in wizard. - Fix: Submitting form and “logging in” in meantime throws JS error and submission is invalid. - Fix: Security vulnerabilities - Other minor enhancements/fixes = 1.14.11 = - Improvement: Front-end code refactoring and optimisation - Improvement: Remove the inline CSS Forminator adds on the page source - Fix: E-Signature is not saved for some forms when rendering is set to Ajax - Fix: Conflict between Forminator and Hummingbird AssetOptimization - Fix: Phone field with Material Design style not aligned properly - Fix: Classic Editor embed form button not working - Fix: Shortcode Embed button not working inside Hustle’s wizards - Fix: Upload field not working correctly with pagination - Fix: Text fields content duplicated if validation fails - Fix: Quiz Preview not showing description HTML - Fix: Conflict with Divi Builder CSS styles - Fix: iPhone multiple upload field uploads files with same names - Fix: PayPal button doesn’t show up when there is Pagination field - Fix: Usermeta mapping on Registration form doesn’t work correctly - Fix: Select field throws errors when Multiple options option enabled - Fix: Several instances of the same form break Gutenberg editor - Fix: Modules search field not reset when search field is empty - Fix: Personality quiz redirects to the wrong wizard page - Fix: Wrong result count in modules Search - Fix: Form cannot be submitted when PayPal visibility rule is set - Fix: “Unpublish” feature from “Bulk Action” dropdown shows fatal error - Fix: Create a new form > Choose a template pop-up layout is broken. - Fix: PHP Deprecated notice: Required parameter $count - Fix: The default label of Poll’s button is not displaying - Fix: Buttons on delete Poll popup are not properly aligned - Fix: Duplicate and Create buttons are not working on Edit Poll Page - Fix: Bulk Publish and Unpublish shows PHP Fatal error - Fix: File Upload field doesn’t work on Type > Single = = - Fix: "Invalid payment amount!" error when PayPal used with decimal amount - Fix: GDPR field not saving in submissions - Fix: ReCaptcha not loading when form has Select field - Fix: PHP8 Fatal error on Knowledge quiz submission = 1.14.10 = - Improvement: Add search option to listing pages for forms, polls and quizzes - Improvement: Mailchimp integration markup and content - Improvement: Load Select2 and Moment JS files conditionally - Improvement: Markup for some of the fields is incorrect - Improvement: Notify users of popups when forminator form is submitted - Fix: Select field throws JS errors - Fix: Calculations not updated when visibility condition is triggered - Fix: ReCaptcha 3 not displayed on Divi theme - Fix: Submitting form with no date chosen in date picker field returns an error - Fix: Select fields are broken when NONE style is selected - Fix: Conflict with Neira theme causes double select field drop downs - Fix: Stripe and Date picker icons are using wrong custom colors - Fix: Form’s status displays as usual even with high contrast mode enabled - Fix: Wrong selectors in Custom Css option - Fix: Issues when Time Picker field when Default time set to 0 - Fix: Poll Answer text color settings are not applied on front-end - Fix: Retake Quiz Button is missing on Knowledge quiz - Fix: Visibility issues with Name field with multiple fields enabled - Fix: Merge tag {all_fields} doesn’t include all fields - Fix: Response message on form submit gets cut off due to wrong auto scroll - Fix: Issue with the Calendar position at the Limits tab of Date-picker field - Fix: Poll’s container border not displayed on front-end - Fix: Poll’s Email notifications merge tags missing curly brackets - Fix: Poll’s Email notification CC and BCC auto complete doesn’t show any results - Fix: On multi site, when you connect and install FortressDB, it doesn’t auto-search plugin for easy install. - Fix: Custom font is not applying on Upload file button text and upload file text through appearance tab - Fix: Remove submission doesn’t work in Global Account Erasure Requests - Fix: From name and From address doesn’t override default ones - Fix: Validation not working for “Sitename” in register form for Multisite - Fix: Amp character getting url_encoded in redirect URL - Fix: ADA compliance/accessibility issue - Fix: Forminator multiple type + Specific filetypes dont accept uppercase file extensions - Fix: IP Retention doesn’t work properly - Fix: Conflict with Hustle select - Fix: Conflicts with WP User Front-end and VikBooking plugin - Fix: Second visibility rule is not being applied - Fix: Address field printed incorrectly in submission email - Fix: Issues with decimal places - Fix: If there are Name and IP Address in GDPR content text, then it’s not showing the details on front-end and email - Fix: Collected leads count not showing correct number - Fix: Inline message after submission not breaking lines on P element - Fix: Wrong form displayed on View Stats on Dashboard - Fix: Reset tracking data not working after edit any module - Fix: Additional CSS class not added for Hidden field - Fix: ReCapcha is not returning invalid if you try to submit empty required fields first - Fix: Signature link overflows outside the container - Fix: Different calculation results in front-end and submission entry from hidden select field - Fix: Payments processed even for spam entries - Fix: “0” is not a valid select drop down value - Fix: Wrong years in Date picker drop down - Fix: Signature issues on Windows PC Touch Screen - Fix: Radio field shows value instead of label in submission - Fix: JS errors in console from Post Data field - Fix: Security vulnerabilities - Other minor enhancements/fixes = 1.14.9 = - Improvement: Stripe submission stored but payment is not received - Improvement: Added multi-answering capability to knowledge quizzes - Improvement: Update the supported currencies list of Stripe and Paypal - Improvement: Duplicate form input ID’s in admin - Improvement: When using “User IP” merge tag in hidden field, captures the ip at the time of form submission instead of on form load - Fix: Select field pushing below field on expanding - Fix: Remove the “Enter List Limit” step in MailChimp integration - Fix: Polls results not showing up with Shortcodes Ultimate enabled - Fix: Quiz container border color cannot be changed - Fix: Missing images in radio options after update - Fix: Phone field is not showing when used inside Hustle - Fix: ReCaptcha doesn’t load on Firefox when Ajax load is disabled - Fix: Export Schedule is sent in different time - Fix: Allow whitespace on Form/Poll/Quiz title - Fix: Checkbox does not take up raw HTML tags - Fix: Submissions counter (stats) not updated when entry deleted - Fix: Payment possible even if form doesn’t validate - Fix: Pagination is broken in popup - Fix: Currency fields not exporting via Google Sheet integrations - Fix: Visibility conditions don’t work with the “Hidden” field type - Fix: Date picker limits don’t work with some date formats - Fix: Call to undefined function mime_content_type() - Fix: Console warnings for non-unique id #forminatorNonce - Fix: Global PayPal currency setting not followed on the PayPal settings - Fix: Conditionally hidden field that takes part in calculation has value “1" in email notifications - Fix: WP Editor with AJAX load breaks select field conditions - Fix: Only post data title field sent to email, others fields missing - Fix: Date conditions is_day and is_month are not functional - Fix: Form loses styles when displayed conditionally on a page - Fix: Import CF7 form submissions don’t work for Flamingo - Fix: Conflicts with Divi Overlays - Fix: Issues after selection of the last page of the pagination - Fix: reCAPTCHA V3 field does not work when “Load form using AJAX” is enabled and another active plugin uses the same keys - Fix: Personality quiz email settings include conditions from Knowledge quiz - Fix: Conditional logic is not working on IE11 - Fix: Duplicate question with answers are modified when you edit answers of the original or the copy - Other minor enhancements/fixes = = - Fix: Security vulnerability in the Multi-file upload - Fix: Security vulnerability in the Quiz retake option = 1.14.8 = - Improvement: Add a gender neutral option Mx. to the name prefix dropdown - Fix: PayPal submission stored but payment is not received - Fix: Form cannot be submitted if Signature field set required - Fix: Signature field not working with Pagination - Fix: Pressing enter on text input field triggers upload button - Fix: Upload field with multi upload and pagination adding files multiple times - Fix: Today option not working for date field limits - Fix: Multi upload files has wrong url from Media Library - Fix: Password field included in dropdowns on Email Notification tab - Fix: Forminator Settings has console errors of non-unique-ids - Fix: Pagination visibility issues when form used in Hustle popup - Fix: Allow “0” zero value fields to be displayed in email notifications - Fix: Mailchimp integration generates a fatal error when date field is Dropdown or Text input - Fix: Forminator Section title doesn’t respect the font-size set under Appearance section - Fix: Signature field value is not included within email when merge tag used - Fix: E-Signature field is not working on Preview - Fix: Guernsey (GG) and Jersey (JE) are missing from the Country drop-down - Fix: ReCaptcha error message styles are missing - Fix: Signature field area cover half of the field - Fix: Signature field field value not saved after submission in specific cases - Fix: Sharing Quiz results on Facebook - Fix: Fatal error on submission when DatePicker type is dropdown/text inputs - Fix: Font weight shows “Invalid property value” in css - Fix: Poll results page showing error message box - Fix: Mailchimp > Status says not sent but it was actually sent - Fix: View Custom Form link showing in Menu navigation on Quiz submission page - Fix: Cannot add optional field to HTML field and email notification - Fix: Post Data shows only public CPTs - Fix: Form not redirecting to a page upon submission when iPhone is used = 1.14.7 = - Improvement: PayPal payment successful but submission not stored. - Improvement: Load select2.js and moment.js libraries conditionally. - Improvement: WP 5.6 and PHP 8 compatibility fixes. - Fix: Invalid font weight and font style classes on the front-end. - Fix: Time field showing the required validation error even when it is not empty. - Fix: Submission loader keeps spinning with JS errors in the console. - Fix: Fatal error on Google Sheets integration. - Fix: Importing CF7 forms throwing fatal PHP error. - Fix: Missing forms in Forms listing page. - Other minor enhancements and security fixes. = 1.14.6 = - Fix: "Something went wrong while saving your form. Please try again" error while trying to save a form. - Fix: Unable to fetch the integrations list. = 1.14.5 = - Fix: Updating to the latest version causing "Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page" error when trying to access the plugin on some single sites and multisite networks. - Fix: Value of a Hidden Calculation field added to an HTML field using merge tag stopped appearing. - Improve: Small fixes and improvements. = 1.14.4 = - Fix: Search form not functional - Fix: Gutenberg blocks preview render empty content - Fix: Gutenberg blocks print deprecated component errors in console = 1.14.3 = - Fix: Updating to 1.14.2 causing “Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page” error when trying to access Forminator. = 1.14.2 = - Add: New capability to give users and user roles access to Forminator - Improvement: Option to auto-open field settings when just one field is inserted in a form - Improvement: Remember last visited module on the Submissions page - Improvement: After the form submits, calculation read-only fields should not be blank. - Fix: The number field not accepting decimal numbers - Fix: Post data categories, tags, and featured image not working correctly with google sheet integrations - Fix: Textarea data missing on Submissions page for a few cases - Fix: Max Characters limit is not working properly - Fix: Conflict with Branda text replacement when exporting submissions as CSV - Fix: HTML Entity showing up on front-end - Fix: Poll success message is not showing up after submitting a vote - Fix: Date picker is broken with specific visibility options - Fix: Mailchimp integration returns invalid merge tags error response - Fix: Page scrolls to poll module on refresh - Fix: Multiple conditions on the date field breaks the submission data - Fix: Issues with Quiz redirect after submission - Fix: Browser caching issues with reloading page - Fix: Datepicker arrows' background-color not updated based on admin settings - Fix: Pagination button's font family is not displaying properly on the front-end - Fix: Password strength doesn't work as expected in Registration forms - Fix: Form submissions successful message doesn't allow HTML - Fix: Custom CSS breaks when ">" is used in the selector - Fix: Signature field's issues with Google sheets integration - Fix: Weird text output on Submissions page for PayPal payments - Fix: Dropdown selection not displayed properly - Fix: Submission behavior setting's description is duplicated on Behaviors tab - Fix: Poll with "None" design style still shows image loader - Fix: Country list in Address field is duplicated on front-end - Fix: Textfield with max words enabled doesn't work as expected - Fix: Increment option in time field doesn't apply on starting value - Fix: IE 11 console errors - Fix: Translation issues - Other minor enhancements and security fixes = 1.14.1 = - Fix: Small fixes and stability improvements = 1.14.0 = * Add: Capture leads on Knowledge and Personal quizzes * Add: Support suffix and prefix in calculation fields * Add: Shortcode support in quiz results * Improvement: Ability to change error message for number and Currency field when value added is out of set limits * Improvement: Update Google Sheets interation documentation * Improvement: Move Preview button to the top floating bar * Improvement: Add ability to copy the module shortcode from the editor * Improvement: Steps pagination are clickable * Improvement: Update phone validation settings UI and add the ability to select a default flag for international phone number * Improvement: Add due Date support in Trello integration * Improvement: Automatically use Privacy Policy link in GDPR field * Fix: Poll vote count hide not functional * Fix: Quiz custom CSS having few wrong selectors * Fix: Add option to center successfully submitted message * Fix: Forminator emails broken in Outlook * Fix: Select field does not allow submission of “0” zero value * Fix: Login form doesn’t display in Hustle popup * Fix: Conditional payment on Stripe is not working correctly * Fix: Input date field can not be submitted triggering validation error * Fix: Slack integration not working for public and private channels * Fix: Conflict with Pretty Links plugin * Other minor enhancements/fixes = 1.13.5 = * Fix: WP 5.5 Gutenberg blocks missing permissions_callback * Fix: Missing nonce check for CSV export = 1.13.4 = * Fix: Visibility conditions cause calculation result to be 0 = 1.13.3 = * Add: Multi-file uploads with the File Upload field * Add: Integration with the FortressDB plugin * Improvement: Advanced Date field restrictions * Improvement: Advanced Time field limits and intervals * Improvement: Ability to send uploaded files via File Upload field as email attachments * Improvement: Allow additional file extensions not mentioned in the File Upload field * Improvement: Support additional contact fields in the Hubspot integration * Improvement: Allow multi-line placeholder for the Textarea field * Improvement: Auto-populate submissions when only one form exists * Improvement: Added a select /unselect all filter in the File Upload field when allowing specific field types * Improvement: Make the input field of SUI color picker editable * Improvement: Add an optional loading state while evaluating the quiz answers in real-time * Improvement: Add error notification when form fails to save * Improvement: Scroll to submission indicator on form submit * Improvement: Character validation for the email field * Improvement: Disable submit on pressing enter if submit button is hidden by condition * Improvement: Add field search function while setting up visibility conditions * Improvement: Datepicker's week start day should follow WP settings * Fix: Select field shows the first option instead of placeholder * Fix: Cannot register new user when logged-in * Fix: Quiz social share and description custom colors not displayed on front-end * Fix: Social sharing doesn't work with knowledge quizzes * Fix: Issues with creating a new site on User Registration on a network * Fix: Email fields are not appearing under the merge tag option for Redirect URL * Fix: Form cannot be saved when custom user meta added for the User Registration template * Fix: Visibility conditions issues with required fields * Fix: Hidden field with query parameter doesn't work with AJAX loading * Fix: Submission email is sent even when a submission marked as spam by the Akismet integration * Fix: Module shortcode doesn't work with Elementor Pro * Fix: File Upload field doesn't work on IE 11 * Fix: Stripe field is not visible on IE 11 * Fix: Default date doesn't work for the dropdown type Date field when it is set to a custom date * Fix: Mailchimp fields are limited by 10 under the "Assign Fields" section * Fix: Form preview doesn't work when a form is expired * Fix: Submission error after Stripe payment in some cases * Fix: "Add Email Notification" button breaks the form wizard in some cases * Fix: Currency field not accepting any value other than 0 when limits are not set * Fix: Upload field uses non-unique ids which causes console warnings * Fix: Can't use apostrophes in Sender name under General settings * Fix: Searching address in Poll Email Notification tab throws console error * Fix: "Month Is" visibility option doesn't show any options * Fix: "Refer URL" merge tag show the wrong result when AJAX load enabled * Fix: Compatibility issues with Divi * Fix: Global Privacy Settings should link to the Submissions tab * Fix: Select2 breaks form if another plugin loads the library * Fix: Upload field value is blank in Google Sheets integration * Fix: Required upload field does not show the uploaded file name * Fix: Removed the form ID from {submission_id} * Fix: Check if temp_folder exist before running cron for cleaning it * Fix: Form shortcode with AJAX load replaces parent container * Fix: Post data custom fields breaking the field settings * Fix: Dropdowns doesn't show all values when used in pagination = = * Fix: Missing quiz styles on front-end = 1.12.1 = * Fix: Quiz submitting after answering first question * Fix: Compatibility issue with BigCommerce plugin * Fix: Name field breaks pagination = 1.12 = * Add: Registration & Login forms * Improvement: Load Quiz front-end stylesheets efficiently * Improvement: Load Quiz front-end JS efficiently * Improvement: Add height option for Textarea field * Improvement: User RGBA color picker for all pickers except text layer * Improvement: Improved front-end pagination logic * Improvement: Updated Stripe PHP lib * Improvement: Allow upload limit to be set in different units (Byte, KB and MB) * Improvement: Allow disabling IP Retention when 0 set as value * Improvement: Make subject and body required for the email notifications * Improvement: Add Unselect All for File Upload field * Improvement: Quiz Real Time responses show answer faster * Fix: Stripe payment not working when Stripe receipt field left empty * Fix: Date field not displayed correctly on front-end with Ultimate Addons for WPBakery Page Builder * Fix: Custom CSS not working for Polls * Fix: Various typos * Fix: Conflict between Stripe and Upload required fields * Fix: Stripe field not rendering when form Material theme used * Fix: Number field can be submitted only with zero field * Fix: update_form_setting API method doesn't update settings * Fix: Disconnected Hubspot integration is still displayed as connected * Fix: Sender Email name is missing when email sent * Fix: Empty file upload causes error message that files are exceeding max size * Fix: Shortcode generator SUIselect2 breaks Hustle selects * Fix: Server validations not working for Date field when type is text * Fix: Scheduled export email sent only on admin email * Fix: Conflict with Embed Plus for YouTube plugin * Fix: Replace 'php://output' with 'php://memory' in CSV export * Fix: Issues with Phone field validation * Fix: Popup for leaving page with changes shown even no changes done * Fix: Query Parameters prefill not working with AJAX form load * Fix: "Invalid Format" when using decimals on number fields * Fix: Refer URL is incorrect when slug contains percent-encoding * Fix: PHP warning displayed on Quiz front-end * Fix: Poll votes count cannot be hidden * Fix: Forminator form notification sender email overwriting the default one * Fix: Visual issues with Pagination on Twenty Twenty theme * Fix: Text content goes outside the preview modal * Fix: Quiz font does not match the theme font automatically = 1.11.4 = * Fix: GDPR field prints HTML as text = 1.11.3 = * Security Fix: Patch authenticated stored XSS = 1.11.2 = * Fix: Stripe field not rendering properly when Material design style is used on custom forms. = 1.11.1 = * Fix: PayPal throwing the 0 amount error when variable amount option is used. * Fix: Visitors able to change the form fields data while making the inline credit/debit card payment with the PayPal field. = 1.11.0 = * Add: Importing forms from Contact Form 7 & third party add-ons * Add: Hooks for Form, Poll and Quiz CRUD * Improvement: Load front-end stylesheets efficiently * Improvement: Load front-end JS efficiently * Improvement: Add validation for PayPal field amount * Improvement: Plugin reset doesn't delete Payment settings * Improvement: Stripe forms giving console warnings * Improvement: Nested calculatons with conditions * Fix: Conditionally hidden fields are still required * Fix: Cannot connect Google Sheets when Beehive is activated * Fix: Email notification "from email" setting not applied * Fix: Conditions with HIDE method not working as expected * Fix: Wrong custom CSS selectors for Polls * Fix: Redirect to same tab behaviour * Fix: Missing country Georgia * Fix: Quiz and Poll custom CSS doesn't apply on front-end * Fix: Phone field with National validation type fails to validate * Fix: HTML stripped from quizzes Final Count message * Fix: Editing calculation sometimes breaks the wizard * Fix: Type attribute missing for Text field input * Fix: Forms doesn't work in Elementor popup * Fix: Select field inline validation fails = 1.10.2 = * Fix: WordPress 5.3 compatibility issues = 1.10.1 = * Improvement: Better sanitization/escaping of $_POST and $_GET requests. * Fix: Sending plain emails and ignoring the notifications formatting. * Fix: Incorrect calculations behavior with the Checkbox field. = 1.10.0 = * Add: Email routing and conditional emails * Add: Pre-filling forms with dynamic data using query parameters * Add: Hubspot integration support creating tickets from Forminator forms * Improvement: New pagination flow * Improvement: Ability to use {all_field} email merged tag to send only the non-empty fields * Improvement: Not clear that From and Reply to fields can be used as input fields * Improvement: Allow users to set custom required validation message for GDPR field * Improvement: Date format in Datepicker field support for custom formats * Improvement: Setting to optionally download the submissions based on the active filters. * Improvement: Add option to upload media files to Media Library * Improvement: Ability to change the quiz sharing message * Fix: Address apartment sub-field doesn't show in email notification * Fix: Issues with visibility conditions * Fix: Hidden fields by conditions still calculated * Fix: Form can be submitted with "Require SSL certificate to submit this form" enabled and no SSL certificate * Fix: Conditions rule validation = 1.9.2 = * Fix: Stripe forms adding some unnecessary $1 payments marked as incomplete on the Stripe dashboard. * Fix: Visitors sometimes getting charged even if there were some server-side validation errors while submitting the form. * Fix: Calculation fields not getting submitted as Stripe metadata. = 1.9.1 = * Fix: Issue with Stripe keys = 1.9 = * Add: Stripe compatibility with SCA * Improvement: Submission Indication should work with "page reload" submit method * Improvement: Better Auto-generated values for multi value fields * Fix: Pagination header and buttons still shown when form hidden after submit * Fix: Dashboard boxes are not removed when limit number set to zero * Fix: Visibility tab breaks when all fields are in single row * Fix: Compatibility issue between Hustle and Forminator * Fix: Issues with calculation on multi select field = 1.8.1 = * Fix: International and National phone validation always throws Invalid Format error = 1.8 = * Add: Hubspot integration * Add: New improved front-end user interface for polls. * Add: Settings to style poll chart colors * Add: Allow form fields in HTML field * Add: reCaptcha v3 * Improvement: Group settings on Settings page * Improvement: Accessibility in condition settings * Improvement: Add bulk delete on Poll submissions * Improvement: Calculations logic depending on conditions * Fix: Compatibility issues with Divi tabs * Fix: Prevent applying visibility conditions on same field * Fix: Prevent saving IPs on poll submissions when cookies selected * Fix: All poll submissions on export have same date & time * Fix: Integration modals close without refreshing the list * Fix: Required fields are not reset to default when condition not met * Fix: Allow only numerical keyboard on mobile for number fields * Fix: Prevent negative voting limits for polls * Fix: Issues with printing styles on preview * Fix: Characters limit does not work with cyrilic * Fix: Font weight should be normal instead of regular * Fix: Phone verification not working with AJAX load * Fix: Submission page filter not working as expected * Fix: Shortcode generator does not work in Classic editor = = * Fix: Condition rule reset when condition field changed = = * Fix: Compatibility issue with WooCommerce select2 = = * Fix: Currency field amount in PayPal not changed when default value used = 1.7.1 = * Add: PayPal Payment gateway * Add: Form templates * Add: Option for horizontal radio and checkboxes * Add: Option to redirect to new tab on submit * Improvement: Stripe payment related data in Submissions page design update * Improvement: Integrations UX * Improvement: Date field conditions when dropdown or input type doesn't work as expected * Improvement: Form Data in Personality quiz description not reflected on front-end * Improvement: Set condition based on day, month and year for date picker * Improvement: Placeholder text to Single Choice (Select2) search field * Improvement: Customer email address allow email field from the form * Fix: Visibility conditions on Submit button doesn't work with Pagination field * Fix: Importing Forms removes HTML from email body * Fix: MailChimp - Not all lists can be selected * Fix: Stripe publishable key is going out of box on mobile compatibility view * Fix: Spacing issue on submission expanded state * Fix: Changed "Macedonia" to "North Macedonia" * Fix: Forms grid not compatible with Divi tabs. * Fix: Submission error for one of the polls is shown for all instances on the page * Fix: Address field not correctly mapped on MailChimp add-on * Fix: Quiz social sharing not showing up after quiz submission * Fix: Quiz result not shared in Facebook post * Fix: Entering admin email will add it twice = = * Fix: Currency field amount converted to 1 in specific cases = 1.7.0 = * Add: Stripe Payment gateway * Add: Calculations * Add: New improved front-end user interface * Improvement: Deleting submissions do not delete attached files * Improvement: Validate field setting in Admin * Improvement: Poll vote limitations * Improvement: Add WYSIWYG editor to front-end * Improvement: Added option to hide dropdown search box * Improvement: Clicking on "Back to poll" button refreshes page even AJAX method selected * Improvement: Added number of submissions merge tag for front-end * Improvement: Submissions page doesn't show applied filters * Improvement: Allow date format in DatePicker field * Improvement: Scheduled submission exports to be send to multiple emails * Improvement: Hide already submitted options in select field * Improvement: Use Datepicker format on submissions page * Improvement: Allow different text on Prev and Next buttons * Improvement: Don't send blank form data of the hidden conditional fields * Improvement: Add "double" digits on front-end Timepicker input * Fix: {form_id} and {form_name} merge tags doesn't work in HTML field * Fix: Date field year starts from 2120 * Fix: Issues when two DatePicker fields added to same page * Fix: PHP notices on Quiz submissions * Fix: Selecting form Submission behaviour to After Submission breaks admin page * Fix: Select dropdown breaks after form submission * Fix: Submission issues when two Forminator widgets attached to the page * Fix: Entering email to Email Notifications section add it twice * Fix: Strings missing in translations * Fix: While submitting poll "You have already voted for this poll" message displayed = 1.6.3 = * Add: Dashboard settings to control number of forms/polls/quizzes on dashboard page * Add: Data/Settings deletion settings * Add: Accessibility settings * Improvement: Allow decimals to be used in number field * Improvement: Include time field in submissions export * Improvement: Show correct data format on submission page when value is empty * Improvement: Allow {all_fields} shortcode in user confirmation email * Improvement: Added default values for Time field * Improvement: Added ability to change the delay or disable auto close for success message * Improvement: Visual issues on Internet Explorer * Improvement: Display font and color settings conditionally only for existing fields * Fix: Duplicated field changed if the original field changed * Fix: Phone field input missing type * Fix: URL Redirect replace & char * Fix: Confirmation email for users not being sent * Fix: Form can not be submitted if submit method is set to Reload page * Fix: Clicking Save button on Settings page redirects to blank page * Fix: Disable possibility to share Quiz Result via Google+ * Fix: Custom styles printed multiple times * Fix: Poll results not displayed after vote * Fix: Min and Max validation triggered when value not set * Fix: Email notifications recipients duplicated * Fix: Issues with importing forms * Fix: Scheduled exports keep sending emails even disabled * Fix: Pagination submit button doesn't use styles from submit button * Fix: E char can be inserted in number field * Fix: Blue outline showing around the form * Fix: Select dropdown breaks after form submit * Multiple visual enhancements/fixes = 1.6.2 = * Add: Brand new quiz wizard UI/UX * Add: Quiz integrations * Improvement: Countries list updated * Improvement: Do not process fields that hidden by conditional logic * Improvement: Allow multiple correct answers on knowledge quiz * Fix: Form First Name autofill doesn't work * Fix: Issue with Single Choice as Required field * Fix: Potential self XSS vulnerability * Multiple minor enhancements/fixes = 1.6.1 = * Add: Accessibility settings for UI * Add: Brand new poll wizard UI/UX * Add: Poll integrations * Add: Front-end AJAX render for forms/polls/quizzes * Improvement: Remove activation tooltips * Improvement: Add option to enable/disabled DONOTCACHEPAGE constant * Improvement: Compatibility with Admin Menu Editor plugin * Fix: Hitting Return/Enter on an edit field has incorrect behaviour * Fix: Encoding special characters * Fix: Double value attribute for input fields * Fix: Form with pagination scroll on load * Fix: Anonymous post author even default author selected * Fix: HTML element doesn't work when Text editor is used * Other minor enhancements/fixes = = * Fix: Remove 3rd party code that disables TLS verification = = * Fix: Duplicating fields ID when more than 10 fields from same type = = * Fix: Form fields can't be dragged in Firefox = 1.6 = * Add: Brand new form wizard UI/UX * Add: Bulk options on listing pages * Add: Form name popup on form creation * Add: Image option to poll and quiz answers * Improvement: Preview fully functional * Improvement: Security improvements * Improvement: Listing pages in mobile * Fix: Poll stats Last Submission is not updating * Fix: Poll submissions export, no date per vote * Fix: Canceling Slack auth causing auth page loading loop * Fix: Submissions filter cannot be opened * Fix: Poll / Quiz preview showing images out of the modal * Fix: Guttenberg blocks preview broken * Fix: Delete quiz submission throws PHP error * Other minor enhancements/fixes = 1.5.4 = * Add: Title option in widget area * Add: Submissions filter * Add: IP retention for forms * Improvement: Scheduled Exports send submissions only when there are NEW entries * Update: Dashboard page UI * Update: Settings page UI * Update: Submissions page UI * Fix: Enable usage of form variables in email subject * Fix: Enable usage of variables in redirect field * Fix: Export CSV character encoding * Fix: Phone Filed - Standard validation, Country code not pre-filled on country selection * Fix: View Submission link from the gear icon doesn't work * Fix: Pantheon compatibility * Fix: Sender name and email address not working * Fix: Poll Chart text percentage not shown in the pie, and legend text was truncated * Fix: Gutenberg conflicts * Other minor enhancements/fixes = = * Add: Copy Shortcode option on listings * Add: Reset tracking data option on listings * Fix: Conflict with Revolution Slider and RaraTheme Companion = 1.5.3 = * Add: Server validation for reCaptcha * Update: Form listings UI * Update: Poll listings UI * Update: Quiz listings UI * Fix: Poll result not using more than 5 colors * Fix: Integration removed from previous submissions history on disconnect * Fix: Pie chart - Result not showing highlighted on hover for last answer * Fix: Phone validation default number * Fix: Name field has the same id as its wrapper div * Fix: Next and Previous button must point users to top of the page * Fix: Localise "Back To Poll" button * Fix: Slack Integration > Add form data link showing blank page * Other minor enhancements/fixes = 1.5.2 = * Add: Slack integration * Add: Validation for phone number prefixes and area codes * Add: Option to toggle calendar icon * Improvement: Custom CSS tags updated * Fix: Radio button gets squeezed in Forminator poll widget * Fix: Grouped checkboxes now treated like radio buttons * Fix: No wrong quiz allowed HTML in results * Fix: Poll and Quiz navigation not clickable * Fix: Reset vertical screen position between sections * Fix: Poll charts blink on hover * Fix: Upload file in pagination prevent form submit for IE and Edge * Fix: Validation Errors resulting in display:none Forms * Fix: Trello Integration missing GDPR value * Fix: Google sheet integration not showing submitted details of Time, Uploaded file and GDPR fields. * Fix: PHP error on quiz preview = 1.5.1 = * Add: Release FREE on WordPress.org * Add: Import / Export feature * Fix: Cannot clear color settings * Fix: PHP notice on front-end * Fix: Form not displaying confirmation message and doesn't clear inputs when ajax disabled * Fix: Poll votes count setting doesn't work as expected * Fix: Margin in row when field(s) is/are hidden * Fix: Phone field formats validation check * Fix: Select drop-down is displayed twice and not showing any options * Fix: Multiple Choice field, undefined index error on front-end when Trello is active * Fix: File upload field throwing PHP error * Other minor enhancements/fixes = 1.5.0 = * Add: API extended with entries & fields CRUD methods * Add: New Custom CSS tags * Add: User ID to Hidden Field options * Add: Additional Options for Email * Improvement: UI/UX Advanced Options for Emails * Improvement: Conditional logic reference by ID instead of Name * Improvement: Message displayed when form submissions time expired * Fix: Forms can not be submitted from Safari browser when field upload empty * Fix: IE11 layout fixes * Fix: Custom CSS settings doesn not work as expected * Fix: Clicking on variable inserts a null value * Fix: Missing spacing for front-end notifications * Fix: Poll votes count setting doesn not work * Fix: Issues with form preview on small screens * Fix: Remove button for file upload field hidden * Fix: Color picker clear color not functional * Fix: Close button on welcome section not functional * Fix: Quiz Type window in IE is not displayed properly * Other minor enhancements/fixes = 1.4.0 = * Add: Gutenberg blocks * Improvement: CSS measurement unit * Fix: Prevent insert shortcode if no form selected * Fix: Pagination issues when clicking on "back" button * Fix: Getting warning when moving captcha field * Fix: Form Settings button is cut off * Fix: Name field is required in front-end even it's not set as required. * Fix: Google Sheet integration fails when more than 26 fields * Other minor enhancements/fixes = 1.3.0 = * Add: Campaign Monitor integration * Add: AWeber integration * Improvement: Huge amount of CSS styles printed on page * Fix: Zapier integration active by default * Fix: Integrations issues with PHP 5.2 * Fix: Correct results are marked as Incorrect in export * Fix: Large amount of fields prevent saving the form * Fix: Honeypot not functional * Fix: Multiple forms on same page breaks the styling * Fix: Not possible to add fields on an empty form. * Fix: Wrong shortcode display in the Polls list. * Fix: Custom colors for submit button doesn't work. * Fix: Form Settings - User Email list does not show fields, only misc data * Other minor enhancements/fixes = 1.2.1 = * Fix: Issues with updating plugin = 1.2.0 = * Add: API base methods * Add: Trello integration * Add: Google Sheets integration * Add: Active Campaign integration * Add: Appearance themes for Polls * Add: Appearance themes for Quizzes * Add: Option to set default values for the fields * Improvement: Uniq submission ID in email * Improvement: No maximum fields in form * Improvement: Quizzes front-end for accessibility * Improvement: Remove button for featured image * Fix: Radio buttons not being marked as selected * Fix: "No votes yet" is link * Fix: Pagination show duplicated label * Fix: Some typography settings are not implemented on front. * Fix: Inconsistency in the bulk buttons * Other minor enhancements/fixes = 1.1.0 = * Add: New user interface * Add: MailChimp integration * Add: Zapier integration * Add: Option to prevent storing entries in database * Add: Dropdown type for time field * Add: Date to Quiz and Poll exports * Add: Allow defining a Sender email and Sender name per form, overriding global setting * Add: File size limite for upload field * Add: Form support 4 fields in one row * Add: Percentage pagination * Improvement: If logged-in user set him as author of the post field * Improvement: Poll string "No votes yet" instead of "View results" if nobody voted * Improvement: Quiz share text contains results * Fix: Form is not submitted if wrong upload type * Fix: When number field is required entering 0 returns error * Fix: Phone field: 2 placeholders appear if user turned on standard form validation * Fix: Hyperlinks doesnt work on thank you message * Fix: Disabling AJAX submission breaks form on submission * Fix: Form field data lost when validation fails on non-ajax submission * Fix: URL field not accepting URLs without protocols * Fix: Address -> Country tag missing in emails variables * Fix: Phone field allowing letters when 'validation' is disabled * Fix: Date formats not being validated correctly * Fix: Hidden field -> embed URL query string gets ignored * Fix: Form can be submitted with spaces only * Fix: Radio not marked as checked on click * Fix: JS error on field clone * Fix: When poll renamed, submission not shown * Fix: Multiple styling issues * Fix: Typos * Compatibility: WP Mail SMTP plugin * Compatibility: Popup Maker plugin * Other minor enhancements/fixes = 1.0.6 = * Add: GDPR personal data erase and export. * Add: Plugin information to default "Private Policy" page. * Add: Auto Delete entries after X time = 1.0.5 = * Add: Share quiz contains results not only URL to the quiz * Add: Uploaded file variable * Add: DropDown type for time field * Add: GDPR consent checkbox field * Add: Entries have own page * Add: Auto fill data for logged in users. * Add: Preview button to form builder. * Add: Vanilla theme ( Theme styles used ) * Add: New color settings * Improvement: Toggle color fields in appearance depending on selection. * Improvement: Create anonymous user when visitor submit post * Improvement: DatePicker localized * Improvement: Form data variables added for thank you message * Fix: Wrong message displays if user selected single text line in Text field and turned on field limit * Fix: Character Limit in Phone field not functional * Fix: "Date" field calendar minimum year is 2008 * Fix: Scheduled exports changes are not saved correctly * Fix: Time field validation appearance * Fix: Jpg format not saved for quizzes * Fix: Field settings updated on change instead of blur * Fix: Hustle compatibility issues * Fix: IE11 appearance issues * Fix: Multiple styling issues * Other minor enhancements/fixes = 1.0.4 = * Add: Validation message for Upload field * Add: Confirm prompt on delete field * Add: Data field containing all the fields data * Add: Form fields variables beautified * Add: Set multiple recipients for emails * Add: Custom styles for Quizzes * Add: Filters for fields validation messages * Add: Filters for admin settings * Improvement: Clear form data after submission * Improvement: PHP 7.2 compatibility * Improvement: Form data in email subjects * Improvement: IE11 compatibility in admin * Fix: Character limit for phone validation * Fix: No link to post if PostData's title is empty * Fix: Slashes not stripped on preview * Fix: Wrong email validation message * Fix: Bulk action below pagination not functional * Fix: Quiz preview show wrong title * Fix: User email not sent on form submit * Fix: Time & Address values are empty in submission email * Fix: Pagination not working on Safari * Fix: Some of Form Data variables not functional * Fix: Custom style not functional in preview for new forms * Fix: Submissions not recorded on multi-site sub-domain * Fix: HTML field tags not rendered as html * Other minor enhancements/fixes = = * Fix: project meta information update = 1.0.3 = * Add: Hooks in form submission process * Add: WP Editor in Posts Data field for content input * Add: Invisible reCaptcha * Add: Links to docs on admin pages * Improvement: Better form data sanitize * Improvement: Images use thumbnails instead of full images * Improvement: Submit confirmation message removed after submit * Improvement: Inline validation * Improvement: Language strings * Fix: Limit time fields characters * Fix: reCaptcha cannot be set as conditional field * Fix: Cloned fields keep same ID * Fix: Retake quiz button styling * Fix: Country field displayed as number on export * Other minor enhancements/fixes = 1.0.1 = * Add: better file upload handling * Fix: Limit DB setup only on updated schema = 1.0 = * First public release == About Us == WPMU DEV is a premium supplier of quality WordPress plugins, services and support. Join here: [https://wpmudev.com/](https://wpmudev.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=readme&utm_campaign=forminator-readme&utm_content=wpmu_dev_link) Don't forget to stay up to date on everything WordPress from the Internet's number one resource: [WPMU DEV Blog](https://wpmudev.com/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=readme&utm_campaign=forminator-readme&utm_content=wpmu_dev_blog_link) Hey, one more thing... we hope you [enjoy our free offerings](http://profiles.wordpress.org/WPMUDEV/) as much as we've loved making them for you! == Contact and Credits == [WPMU DEV](https://wpmudev.com/)