A guide to manage life post Cardiac Surgery

A detailed explanation and FAQ presented by Dr.Ganeshakrishnan Iyer to help patients post heart surgery.

Post Cardiac Surgery Video Guide

Work post Heart Surgery

Dr.Ganeshakrishnan Iyer answering questions related to Returning to work post heart surgery

When can I take bath

Dr.Ganeshakrishnan Iyer answering questions related to bathing post heart surgery.

Post Surgery Niggles

Dr.Ganeshakrishnan Iyer explaining the Post Surgery Niggles

Specific Questions Answered

Dr.Ganeshakrishnan Iyer answering specific questions related to post heart surgery.

About Fever, Weight & Discharge

Dr.Ganeshakrishnan Iyer explaining the points related to fever, weight, discharge post heart surgery

Tobacco & Alcohol

Dr.Ganeshakrishnan Iyer explaining how to deal with tobacco & alcohol post heart surgery.

Post-Operative Physical Activity & Exercise Training

Nandini Priya explaining the Physical activities & exercises post heart surgery.

Pre-Operative Physical Activity & Exercise Training

Nandini Priya explaining the Pre-Operative and Post-Operative Physical activity & exercise

Diet post Cardiac Surgery

Diet post Cardiac Surgery explained by Soumita Biswas

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